Saturday, July 25, 2009

Please help me choose a name for my baby girl. Is Pixie Lily-Rose Hewitt too out there?

I am due to give birth to a girl in 5 weeks and I am really struggling with a name. I want a beautiful, girly, unusual name but obviously I don't want my child to be bullied! I wanted the name Cleopatra but a little girl in my village is already called it!

I seem to get a mixed reaction from Pixie, I thought what if I included Lily-rose as a middle name so when my daughter is older she may choose to be referred by that if she doesn't feel she suits her first name! I think it would only be a problem in late middle age though as I think it would be a cool name for a baby, little girl, teenager, twentysomething and even an old lady (nana pixie!) What do you think? (I don't think Lily-rose is special/ different enough for a first name though)

Suggestions very welcome


Please help me choose a name for my baby girl. Is Pixie Lily-Rose Hewitt too out there?
It is a beautiful name, but she might get teased. I might consider switching the names so that Lily-Rose is her first name %26amp; Pixie is her middle name. You can still call her Pixie, though. :o)
Reply:Pixie is awful and hyphenated names are silly; particularly 2 flowers together. I hope this is a joke.
Reply:pixie is definitely cute, but i think it is more of a nickname. but if you do name her pixie i think it is smart to give her a middle name she can use when she is older.

other suggestions for cute/unusual names:






Reply:Pixie? I really hope you're kidding. That's the kind of name she will DESPISE as she grows up. Kids will make fun of her. She'll go to apply for a grown-up job and have to send her resume in with that name. People will forever do a double take when she introduces herself. Can you imagine hearing "Court is in session. The Honorable Pixie Lily-Rose presiding..." ;-) She probably would just make up a name to go by than to deal with all this.

Seriously, I understand you want to name your daughter something unique but this just seems ridiculous. For your daughter's sake, please try to think of something a little less 60's hippie love child.
Reply:I think Pixie is horrible. What if she grows up to be 6 feet tall? It's okay as a nickname, if it fits, but shouldn't be something she's stuck with legally.

Lily-Rose is lovely.

Would you consider naming her Lily-Rose Pixie Hewitt? Then you could use Pixie as a nickname while she's growing up, but she'd be Lily-Rose in school, and wherever she'd need to sign her name as she's maturing.
Reply:i dont even have a response for that...

how could you put your child through that torture and utter humiliation?

God, shame on you!!!
Reply:If Cleopatra is already taken, Cleo or Clio might be another option. They might be better options as well...

As for Pixie, I obviously don't like it. It's quite silly and I doubt a teenager would appreciate it at all. Just take a moment and consider all the random parts of her life. Being called on during class "Pixie Hewitt, pay attention!" or "Oh my god, look what Pixie wore to school today; ew!" Doesn't it sound wrong? And what if she wants to be taken seriously as an adult? Doctors and people with other reputable careers are not named Pixie; they have strong names like Elisabeth, Analiese, and Genevieve.

Your daughter isn't a fairy, and I doubt she wants to be Nana Pixie. Pick a different name; referring to her as Lily-Rose if she chooses does not help.
Reply:Pixie is not ideal. It's like calling your child Fairy. It's unkind, cruel, even.

An interesting idea is this:


shortened to


This way she can have her full name or can be called Trixie, Trix, Bea, etc.

Trixie is similar to Pixie, yet it is not made up, and is not as ridiculous, and Beatrix saves it from being idiotic.
Reply:In my opinion Pixie lily rose does not flow very well if you know what I mean. How bout you just name her pixie rose? It's cute and simple.
Reply:If you want to be guilty of child abuse, then go right ahead;)
Reply:i would have pixie Rose or Lily Rose not sure about it all 2getha tho!
Reply:The truth is that these days, kids aren't made fun of because of their names. There is such a range of names out there that there isn't really a 'normal' name. Sometimes kids are just mean. It doesn't matter if their name is Emily or Exon, all kids get teased at some point.

If you love the name, use it. Pixie Lily-Rose doesn't flow well in my opinion because Pixie and Lily both end in the 'ee' sound. What about Pixie Rose?

Good luck!
Reply:Pixie would be a much better nickname then an actual name. If she doesn't mind the name as she gets older she can always tell people to call her pixie instead of her real name.
Reply:I kinda don't like Pixie, sorry! I LOVE unusual names like you, so I'm not dissing the name because I'm one of those people who hate ANYTHING that isn't "normal". Like George, Kate, Greg, Jason, Sarah.... Etc... Blah, blah, blah, BLAH!

I mean, I'm not saying I hate those names or anything.... It's just that they bore me, we can't change our preference when it comes to names! I actually love the names Mary, Lily, Anne, Susan, Lydia... and many more!

I have some names I think you might like! I'm not pregnant or anything, but they're names for my Fantasy characters, and some are just names I think sounds really cool and love.

Well, here they are!

Here's a really awesome website for unusual names!

EDIT: I see WHY people can't see Pixie as a surgeon.... I can!

I'm also starting to like it now, actually!

Besides, it's YOUR kid NOT these peoples! If THEY don't want you to name YOUR kid that or anything else, then THEY should get pregnant and name THEIR baby whatever THEY want.

Like someone once said on here; If you can't please everyone, then you might as well please yourself!

I love that motto.

I think Nana Pixie is just so CUTE!

Now, I'm probably going to get killed for saying this, but oh well! Most of the "haters" on here in the Baby Names section are probably just hormone-y pregnant women whose husbands (heh, or boyfriend) won't let them name the baby what THEY want, so they tell others off for naming THEIR baby what THEY want!

I understand if the name is anything along the lines of Nevaeh (which would actually mean Hell, not Heaven) or Moon Unit (Just plain stupid), or if the name is just WAY too Ghetto sounding; These are all names that real people have, it's.... crazy.... And no I'm not racist or whatever.

My favorite out of the whole list of ghetto names is Ah'Justice Armagedon. I don't think I'd actually mind having that as a name!

EDIT: Also, I remember a mini-feud on YA.... This is the REAL conversation.

"I L-O-V-E unusual names I don't like plain names like Kate or Beth but what do you think of these names?


















What do you think?"

Here's what Noah's Mommy said:

"The only one I like is Grace and MAYBE Hope.

Honestly, would you want the name "Honey"? Do you think people will take her seriously when she grows up? And why take away from the beauty of Isabella by giving it such a tacky spelling?

Winter and Summer are seasons, not names. Israel, India, and Paris are places. Ocean is a body of water.

I'm all for being creative but you have to draw the line somewhere and think about the child and what they would want."

Here's what the asker said:

"And Noah is from the bible =]...he made a ship."

Noah's Mommy said:

"ETA: Uh.. yes, Noah is from the bible. However, he made an ark, not a "ship". But what is your point? At least I'm naming my child after SOMEONE, not something. :) "

Those are the bitchy-est comments I ever heard on Baby Names, EVER. (Except from my own, of course, because I know some of you are thinking that right now) She can name her baby whatever the hell she wants! Here's my answer to her question, notice how I wasn't bitchy about it? I just said "no", and left it at that.

"Harlow*= Nichole Richie's baby..... I also think that it sounds more like a boys name.

Israel/= No, sorry! How about Ishmael?

Izza-Bella*= I always hated the name Isabella. How about Isadora?

Coco*= No.

Honey*= No.

Grace*= No, I'm getting sick of seeing this name.

Hope*= Ditto.

Faith*= Ditto.

India*= I like it!

Lyric/= For a boy? No way, Maybe Lyrican ( Lie-rye-kin) or (Lee-ree-kin) or (Lie-rye-can)?

Winter*= I like it! It's cute!

Paris*= Will remind people of Paris Hilton.

Ocean*= AWESOME NAME! You could also do Oceania.

Summer*= I don't like this one very much.... It's just too.... Preppy... Autumn is better!

Poppy= It's cute!

I also LOVE unusual names! John, Robert, Kate, and Emily are all boring names! Some people lack creativity, don't you agree? Though I do hate names like, Nevaeh, Aidan, Braden etc... etc... SO ANNOYING.

Do you mind if I suggestion some? Perhaps you could use them as middle names! The ones with two names listed are a first and middle name suggestion.

*= Girl

/= Boy

Imperia Rose*

Hibernia (Hi-burr-nee-uh)*

Did you know that the name Hibernia was what they called Ireland back in the Dark Ages? It's true! It's way better than people calling their kids Ireland or Iryland... Yikes!


Cluaran ( Clue-uh-ran) /

Halen ( Hey-len) or (Hol-len)*

Naveen (Nuh-veen)*

Kimora Rose*




Fay, Feye, Faye, Fey (I personally like Fay as the spelling.)*


Sorrel, Sorell, Sorrell (I like Sorrel as the spelling. Second would be Sorrell.)*

Ambra (Am-bruh)*



Salem Requiem*

Pandora Rose*



Tuesday (both)

Journey Ione (eye-oh-nee)*

Eventide (I prefer it as a girl's name)



Elwyn, Elwen, Elwin (I like Elwyn the best)*















I'm not very good with boy names.

Remember! It's YOUR baby and YOU can name it WHATEVER YOU WANT!"

And if anyone is doubting that this actually happened, then I'll just have to give you proof, now wouldn't I?
Reply:I had a cat named Pixie, it is a cute name and very unique. At first it seems odd almost, but after saying it a few times it grows on you. I think it is pretty and girlish, and if you like ti you should use it :)
Reply:wow....for me it's too much, but that's just my opinion.
Reply:It's too out there IMHO.

Call her Pixie as a nickname if you like it.

Lily-Rose is nauseatingly girly.
Reply:I really like the name Pixie, but I'm afraid that your daughter may be made fun of. But I say go for it with Lily-Rose
Reply:Pixie sounds cute for a little girl but I would imagine that as your daughter grew into a woman she would prefer something less girlie. You might think it's cool to be called Pixie when you are 15 but a 15 year old who is becoming a woman might feel different. It was at 15 that my neice Ellie began insisting that we called her by her proper name Eleanor.

Why don't you call her Lily-rose Pixie and just call her Pixie at home. That way, when your daughter decides she doesn't like Pixie she can revert to Lily-rose and it won't be an issue as she is using her first name.

We have done this with our daughter. The names we chose were more traditional but basically everyone (except one uncle) calls her by her middle name - I only use her first name when I fill out forms etc.
Reply:Pixie is cute and I like it. But it's not my name and I haven't been teased yet. With Pixar productions and Pixel for computers she may or may not grow to hate it.

I hated my first name my ENTIRE life only because the Flintstones had just come out a year after I was born, and EVERYONE even teachers would ask me how Bam Bam was doing or how Fred was... my mother named me Wilma... sad to say I have gone by my middle name almost my entire life.
Reply:Pixie Lily-Rose sounds to me like a wallpaper or fabric print but its strangly catchy...Humm, you might be onto something. As for me, my baby is 6 and she is "Isabella Heavenly Rose (LONG Italian last name)". I haddnt decied what to name her and we were still up in the air until she was born playing around with variations of the 3 names.. when we saw her we looked at each other I said it my husband was like "Yeah I like it, it fits" and that was it. Around the time she was 3 we taught her how to say her whole name. She go to you and say, "My whole name is Isssabellly Heavely Rose ..." it was so funny to hear those complicated words come out of her mouth!
Reply:I think Cleo makes a great name, but Pixie doesn't work. It's too cutesy. And while she could be known as Lily as a grown-up, why not give her a first name that is both unusual and appropriate for a child or an adult?

I'm guessing you're in the UK and perhaps our fashions are a bit different, but here are a few girls' names seldom heard in the US that might work well:

Esme (ez MAY)











Everild (or even just Ever)





But really, Pixie is too cutesy-coo to suit your child past the age of three. You might consider naming her Penelope or Portia or Paulina and calling her Pixie. Because yes, I can imagine Nana Pixie - but I can't imagine an attorney or surgeon called Pixie.

I'd reconsider.

Best wishes!
Reply:I think Pixie is an adorable nickname, but not a smart choice for a given name. How about Piper, Pia, Phaedra, Pipra, Pilar, or Piera? As for the middle name, Lily or Rose make nice names. Smooshing them together sounds like a bouquet. How about Piper Lily, Piper Zinnia, Piera Azalea, or Phaedra Iris? They all are cute, more unusual but less crazy, combos to consider. Lily and Rose are overused, anyways. Pick a different flower! I think trying to use your middle name instead of your first can be a huge hassle, and you'll end up being called Pixie all the time instead of Lily.
Reply:It sounds ridiculously childish. For the sake of your poor daughter, I would give her a name that sounds remotely classy and sophisticated. She won't be six years old forever and people will have a hard time taking a grown woman called Pixie seriously. You could use Pixie as a cutesy nickname for her regardless of what her real name is but give her a more mature sounding name to fall back on when she's older. I think you need to value your child's dignity over your own desperate need to be unique and different.
Reply:I like Pixie!

i think its original and not TOO out there.

and i agree, if she doesn't like her name she can use her middle name.
Reply:Way too long, kids probably will make fun of her.

Just take out the Lily.

Without the Lily I love the name.
Reply:I think Pixie or Penny would be nice.

It seems like you like the Rixie rosey names which are cute.

Penny Rose
Reply:Lina Electra I like

Good Luck!!
Reply:Lily-Rose Is A Gourgeous Name Defenetly go for that. I Do have some suggestions.






















































Hope This Is Helpful xox
Reply:Actually, I like nana Pixie. I think your only problem with Pixie is that it can have a negative connotation (nymph). What do you think about Sprite? I kinda like the sound of that going with your beautiful/dainty mythical theme...

I like Pixie Rose Lilly better. It does have a better flow than Pixie Lilly Rose. I don't think you need the hyphen unless you like the look of it. Plenty of two-word middle names out there that aren't hyphenated.


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