Saturday, July 25, 2009

Harry P Question: Why was Voldemort willing to let Lily live even though she is muggleborn?

He killed James straight away and he wasa pure blood. He killed thousands for no reason.But he gve Lily warnings and repeatedly asked her to move instead of just killing her straight away and when he talks to Harry about her, he says "the muggle" or "your filthy mudlood mother"

Harry P Question: Why was Voldemort willing to let Lily live even though she is muggleborn?
Snape asked him not to kill her. *sniff* he loved her...

There is the one detail thought, that Voldemort knows love not. It seems like he wouldn't have spared her, but...perhaps Jo will explain at a later date.
Reply:Because Snape loved Lily, and Voldemort was willing to spare her for Snape, because Snape gave him the information that was in the prophecy.
Reply:Snape loved her and begged Voldemort not to kill her. Killing her was ultimately the mistake that killed him. It caused Snape to betray him and Harry to learn the power of Love.
Reply:I think it is a mixture of Snape's love for her and V trying to appease him, but also what about the charms she placed on Harry - did they affect him too? Loved the book - think JK did an excellent job
Reply:because Snape loved LiLY and asked voldemort not to kill said above..killing her caused snape to betray him and Harry gained power of love
Reply:I clicked on this bc I wondered too. You gotta give it to Scout, she's totally gotta be right.

And I don't think it's out of character. His motives weren't bc he cared about Snape's feelings. He just wanted to keep a powerful wizard on his side and to let her live was really no snot out of his nose.
Reply:Snape asked him to spare her life since he was in love with her.

And at the time Snape was his number one guy.
Reply:snape provoded the info voldy needed in return snape asked him not to kill lily, but he does anyway which made snape turn against voldy and a undercover for dumbledore as he knew je can stop voldy
Reply:I think purpletincup is right. I don't think he ever planned to let her live. He was just more concerned with killing Harry. It was the same when he told everyone that he would not hurt any of them if Harry surrendered.

If he was willing to let her live I don't think Snape would have gone to Dumbeldore.
Reply:I think he really just wanted to kill Harry and wanted her to step aside because it would be easier. I don't think he really cared about Snape's wish, but this way he can at least say he tried, albeit halfheartedly. I don't think he ever really considered letting her leave unharmed or alive.
Reply:As has already been said, Snape would've asked him to spare Lily for him...

I agree with the second answerer that it does seem a little out of character but remember that at that time, while Voldemort was definitely a killer, he was still a little bit more human. He only made Nagini into a horcrux when killing the Muggle Frank Bryce in book four, and the memories from Severus explain how Voldemort made Harry into a horcrux when trying to kill him without realizing it. Thus his soul was 'only' split six ways when he set out for Godric's Hollow %26amp; confronted Lily, rather than the eight way split he ended up with after Frank Bryce. Of course the practical matter of rewarding Severus for his service in delivering the prophesy would've weighted the strongest, but he may've been more likely to give in to such a request than the Voldemort we know from the last books.
Reply:As a reward to Snape - however, he did kill her, proving he didn't really care about Snape's feelings, it was just to keep Snape's loyalty.
Reply:I think it had something to do with Snape telling him not to kill her. It really does seem out of character, though.


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