Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who's clothes collection u thinks better, Kate Moss or Lily Allen??

i personally think Lily%26#039;s is sooo much better quality, value for money and isnt made for just stick insects. kates is okay but it%26#039;s nothing new and for what it is rather overpriced, if it didnt have her name on it no one would look twice!

Who%26#039;s clothes collection u thinks better, Kate Moss or Lily Allen??
Lilys clothing gives you the feeling that she helped designed it, Gives it a personality

Kate Moss is just normal clothes with her name , so there isnt any warm feeling

Reply:i agree with you 100 % although i do love kates coin jacket
Reply:You cant compare the two ranges as the two women are completely different, i love Lilly Allen%26#039;s range, but i have also seen Kate moss%26#039;s range, not all of the items are great, but there are a few timeless pieces in the collection that are fairly priced (you would pay allot more for similar items else where)

good luck to them both
Reply:Defiantly Lily Allens. Kate range is of very poor quality, it looks like the cheap stuff you buy at Primark. Lily%26#039;s range is of higher quality which surprised me as New Look clothes are usually less quality than Top Shop. Lilly%26#039;s is also more wearable- I am 31 and I would wear the printed smock style dresses in her collection, her range would also appeal to the younger shopper which is generally associated with New Look.

For what I have seen from both collections it looks like Lilly had more of an input on what she wanted in her range. With Kate%26#039;s collection it looks like Top Shop have paid her ridiculous amounts of money just to endorse the collection with her name.
Reply:Lilly Allen because Kate Moss%26#039;s dresses would only be good as leg warmers for me! I wish Lily hadn%26#039;t gone too outrageous with a couple of the dresses, but she rocks, its nice not to have another %26#039;stick insect%26#039; as a role model for once. I won%26#039;t be wearing trainers with my dress though!
Reply:Definatly Lily%26#039;s! I%26#039;ve just bought a couple of her dresses and they%26#039;re not just for stick thin ppl. I%26#039;m quite chubby but I look g8 in lily%26#039;s dress. My mum, bf, n best m8s said that. With k8 Moss%26#039;s range the max size if 4 12%26#039;s, i looked though them all. max 12, and i thought k8 mosses range lookd a bit boing. Lily%26#039;s is vibrent, colouful and unique. BUY LILY%26#039;S!!!!!!
Reply:gotta be lilys clothes katie moss r ok if ur a size 0
Reply:lily%26#039;s much better for me.
Reply:well it has to be lily allen she rocks her style is great plus dont like kate moss.
Reply:Yeah Lily%26#039;s stuff is so much more original and has so much more character and lightheartedness as well. Kate Moss%26#039;s stuff is totally boring in comparison.
Reply:Lillys were much nicer.
Reply:To be honest... neither! funnily enough I posted a question about Lily%26#039;s clothes range. I generally prefer New look to Topshop as I%26#039;m a student and can afford to buy more in new look lol. But I looked at the dresses she designed and they were these big flamenco meringue things... where would you wear one? I love wearing dresses... but those ones are so impractical! %26amp; I didn%26#039;t think they were that cheap either, £40 for a dress or something...not the usual New Look prices :-S.
Reply:i agree with you 100%, Kate moss clothes are nothing new, you could quite easily get similar clothes else where for a fraction of the price, and it is all designed for the super skinny people of this world, lily Allen has at least put her name to something aimed at everyone and doesn%26#039;t alienate the average size ladies, and it is much more affordable, infact i purchased a pair of her shoes today and was very surprised at the £10 price tag. much more wearable too, big thumbs up to lily allen for doing so well
Reply:I think Lily%26#039;s collection is much nicer than Kate%26#039;s and much more wearable. It is affordable, making accessible to the general public. Kate%26#039;s clothes are quite nice but nothing exceptional, a bit pricey and will only suit people with slender frames.
Reply:all the same they think like that. because they don t have nothing better to make them selfs busy.
Reply:Lilys is unique and actually wearable. Kates toooooo short. No-one can wear that with losing their dignity
Reply:To be perfectly honest, i think they%26#039;re both dreadful. I wouldn%26#039;t be seen dead in any of it! I think its disgusting the way shops churn out this overpriced crap, and think we%26#039;re all airheaded enough to be fooled into buying it because some B lister%26#039;s name is on the tag. Who wants to be a clone anyway!
Reply:i%26#039;m a bloke and i have to say i love lily allens range. its made for the girls who are happy with not being size zero and they are so trendy. Kate Moss has had too much bad publicity for anyone to actually want her clothes. Rather a girl in Lily Allens Designs than Topshop clothes with kate moss%26#039;s name sewed on.
Reply:lillies is better 4 the young it very trendy i love the way she wears trainers with everything kate will draw the older crew not much older watch the street guys all the kids will b boppin in dresses and trainers haha
Reply:I AGREE, Kate Moss%26#039;s collection just look like the usual topshop clothes, and some of the clothes have such a bad cut.

Lilly Allen%26#039;s is identifiable, you can tell that it%26#039;s design by her, its certainly different and new, you can tell shes put a lot of thought in to the collection. Kate hasn%26#039;t really yes TOP SHOP is aimed at young people, but not all young people are catwalk models.

Even tough I%26#039;m not one for trainers and dresses, all for Lilly and not conforming to the norm whilst everyone else is walking around in bloody smocks that just about cover your bum, shes walking around in ballgowns almost I LOVE THAT!!! lol
Reply:Lily%26#039;s! I love them

breast cyst

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