Monday, April 20, 2009

Which side do I plant a canna lily bulb?

I have these canna lily bulbs and I don%26#039;t know which way to plant them. Can anyone tell me how to plant them or give me a website (not Wikipedia) that will tell me how to.

Which side do I plant a canna lily bulb?
If you have potato-like clumps of bulbs with no stringy roots visible, look for %26quot;eyes%26quot; on it. This is where new plant growth will come from, so it would be best to point those up if possible.

However, I%26#039;ve experimented in the past and it seems that no matter which direction you plant them, they ALWAYS seem to know where the sun is and will find their way out of the ground to grace your garden with their beautiful foliage and blooms.

Just make sure to bury them 4-5 inches down (and about 10-12 inches apart) and add mulch if possible since they tend to like to stay moist instead of dry. Enjoy!
Reply:fat side down
Reply:Small on top, big on bottom. Look for signs of roots sticking out. Roots always go down. I hope you live up north - in Atl., they%26#039;re already up and blooming.


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