Monday, August 3, 2009

Lily's back legs! Help Me Help Her!?

We let her outside while cooking dinner. About 9 pm, and when we did she waswalking on her 2 front legs and holding one back leg up. Her bottom end was so heavy she kept collapsing. We had to lock her knees for her so she could take baby steps to move. We gave her 2 Advils in balogna not knowing that it was posinis to dogs. And 3 more at about 3am when we took her outside where she didn't go to the bathroom. We aren't sure if she can't go or if she doesn't have to. Then we put her in her chair and turned on the air condishoner. She was nervos and short of breath. We rubed and petted her thinking it would be her last night with us. My mom called our vet that comes to us, Dr.Frank. He didn't answer, but called back this morning at 6. He said no more advil and said either to not let her have food and water, or to go ahead and let her. My mom isn't sure which he said. We let her have a little, but she has been sleeping. We hope it doesn't shut down her kidneys. He think it might be a disc

Lily's back legs! Help Me Help Her!?
If it's a disc, you mostly just want to keep her quiet. This disc will cause her nerves in her legs to not work right and cause her pain. The more she moves, the more she can damage delicate spine tissue. And probably not to give her food or water in case she needs surgery. Let us know how it goes, okay?
Reply:stop asking this question go to a dog vet, ur letting her die! do something about this poor little dog
Reply:That sounds either like a neurological problem, or some kind of inflammation somewhere. I'm curious what the vet will say. It may just be her time. Keep her safe and comfortable until the vet gets there.

Good luck to you!
Reply:Try lightly pinching in between the pads on her back feet. She should pull her foot away from you if not you know her spine is being compromised either by a tumor or ruptured disc or possibly traumatic injury that occurred while out of your site. In any of the cases about the vet will have to be the one to treat your dog. No home remedy is going to fix them.
Reply:I'm sorry, I doubt anyone on here will be able to help. I think this can only really be handled by a vet. I guess just make sure she gets lots of rest, gets quite alot of fluids and seems comfortable.
Reply:Well, still think the vet is an can he tell without even viewing the dog?

But if your set on waiting for him, DON'T lock her kneecaps (can't imagine how one would do this anyway) use a towel and run it under her and use it to hold her back end up like a sling.

I DOUBT it's a tumor....tumors don't come on instantly like that.


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